

My name is Michtashia Micheng Bumbumpaw. Full-time couch potato. I love milk, dinosaurs and chilling out. I don't like blocked noses and spicy food. I speak English, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin plus a little Korean. I sing in the shower occasionally and I pick my wedgie in public.

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  • Tuesday, March 01, 2016 @ March 01, 2016

    It's been way too long since I've updated this space. Got not much to share except the fact that God has been so so good.

    I've reached my 6 months flag in my job and finally managed to get a long vacation to unwind and meet up with my favourite bro, Phanot.

    I was supposed to be on vacation from the 5th to 15th of February ...but was constantly getting fevers at nightfall for 4 nights before my body decided to reveal Chicken Pox on the 11th of February! It totally messed up my plans and I couldn't take my scheduled flight back to Singapore as I was highly infectious and it wouldn't be morally right to put other people (children & pregnant ladies) in danger.
    So thanks (or no thanks) to my chicken pox, I managed to get 2 weeks MC. Which also means that my vacation is extended for another TWO WEEKS! The best part was, I didn't have an awful experience as I was barely itching and the spots only stayed for less than a week (although I was still infectious).

    Also managed to live with my grandmother, aunt and uncle for a little over a week during my quarantine. Though I was irritated most times, when else would I have time to spend with them?

    I like to think that God knew I was getting really bored of the routine and mundane work lifestyle. I think if I didn't get this 3 weeks refresher, I'd be really close to throwing in the towel and finding something more fulfilling to do. Through this experience, I also realized how nice it was to feel secured with a job that takes care of you. Even after not showing up to work for so long, I still got my pay on time - in full! HAHAHA So I guess, sometimes some things happen for a reason. Eyes get opened & heart gets full.

    I'm really grateful for February.

    Love, Peace & BREAK!