

My name is Michtashia Micheng Bumbumpaw. Full-time couch potato. I love milk, dinosaurs and chilling out. I don't like blocked noses and spicy food. I speak English, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin plus a little Korean. I sing in the shower occasionally and I pick my wedgie in public.

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  • Sunday, July 19, 2015 @ July 19, 2015
    social media

    So, I turned 24 on the 16th of July 2015.

    In an attempt to better myself as a person (HAHAHA), I've decided to get rid of most social media that I think takes up A LOT of my time (not to mention my phone's battery and data usage). I actually toyed the idea 2 years back but I just couldn't detach myself.

    Part of the reason why I'm so bent on doing this is because I really do not enjoy the 'popularity contest' that having social media makes you join as a side effect. But try as I might, I still tend to refresh my feed every few seconds to see if I have a new like or a new comment. I sometimes also get a virtual smack on my head when I realise I've just scrolled & scrolled through my timeline/feed for over an hour.

    I finally did manage to delete Facebook in February but then I still spend a massive amount of time on Path, SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube - so I've taken step 2 and deleted Path & Snapchat yesterday night.

    I know for sure that I'm not going to be 100% free from social media (I might even cave & return to them). I intend to keep my YouTube (because duh, Youtube), Instagram, blogTwitter (only because I get my news from twitter).

    The thing about not having Facebook is that, I got wayyy less birthday wishes as usual, but that made me REALLY happy. Why? Because the wishes that I did get were really personal.

    Haha I really do not know what my point is ...

    [TL;DR Turned 24. Deleted, Facebook, snapchat and path]

    Love, Peace & I'm freeeeee